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Sheet metal curve with flanges

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:15 am
by Halasox

Looking to create such curve in solid edge, but not sure if this is possible o[ . I don't see a way of adding flanges to a curve and to flatten it later. Any ideas if solid edge is capable of this?


Re: Sheet metal curve with flanges

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:18 pm
by matt
Here's a little video on how to do it. You just have to use the Curve selection options in the Contour Flange Command Bar. Plus, you have to use a sketched flange. I don't think you can just pull a set of straight flanges around a curve. The bad part of that is that it's an extra step. The good part is that you can make more complex flanges easily.

Re: Sheet metal curve with flanges

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:26 am
by Halasox
Hi Matt,

Looks like SE has one button for everything vs SW ten buttons for same thing 🤣. Yes, it's one step more than in SW but it feels more stable to work when it comes to curves. Just need now to figure out now how to have a curve like this with the flanges but following a spiral. And thanks for the video!
