set weldment angle for given configuration scope

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set weldment angle for given configuration scope

Unread post by Kjara »

I have a part with more than 1 configuration, and I have a structural member in that part.

I want to set the angle for a given configuration scope (this/all/specific), just like one can do with dimensions using IDimension.SetValue3.

So I'm basically looking for a method like IDimension.SetValue3, but which sets the angle of a structural member instead. Does such a method exist? And if no such method exists, how else can I achieve this?

What I currently have is this:

1. I take the IStructuralMemberFeatureData and call AccessSelections.
2. If the weldment has no groups, I use the IStructuralMemberFeatureData.RotationAngle setter to set my value. If it has groups, I go through all groups and use IStructuralMemberGroup.RotationAngle setter instead.
3. I call IStructuralMemberFeatureData.ModifyDefinition and finally IModelDoc.EditAssembly (on root model doc).

It does set the angle, but I have no control over the scope using that method. It always uses the current scope, i.e. the one that is selected here:
So is there a method that allows me to set the scope manually before going through the steps above? If there is, that would solve my problem as well.

Any other ideas or hints?
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